Carmel voter looking for checks & balances, supports Sue Finkam

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Dear Editor:

Carmel voters have options.

Mr. Rider seems to bring a “continue as is” philosophy as a Brainard clone and part of the long-running Mayor, Council, CRC machine. He provided several non-answers to questions posed at the recent Palladium candidate debate. He also has developed a full slate of City Council candidates (Carmel Magazine April 2023) with whom he prefers to work.

Where are the checks and balances?

Mayor Brainard (April 11 Current in Carmel) noted “it was my intention to not get involved in the primary election … however … an endorsement of Mr. Rider with his “commitment to service”  followed.

Is it getting a little too hot in the kitchen?

Mr. Glynn offers a complete outsider perspective, and he also has demonstrated a commitment to service at the Hamilton County level. I am not sure I have heard a lot of creative ideas other than electing someone from the “outside.”

Sue Finkam brings a commitment to service and has often been a minority voice on a City Council that has not been open with all decisions around growth and financing. She is not endorsing a slate of City Council candidates; I believe she will work with anyone who is elected.   She has led with a platform highlighting safety (endorsed by Carmel police) and transparency, openness. communication. The latter topic is one that has been sadly lacking in the current Mayor, City Council, CRC machine.

I’m looking for some change with checks and balances around thoughtful well-vetted decisions versus a rubber stamp process.

I’m going to be true with Sue.

Randall Dick, FACSM

2 Comments on "Carmel voter looking for checks & balances, supports Sue Finkam"

  1. 5 City Councilors. 70% to 90% of their total campaign contributions came from the mayor(FOJB) Sue Finkham’s total campaign contributions were $32,442.06. The Mayor’s PAC contributed $23,768.89.

    One of the main topics at the debate was transparency of Carmel government. Or should I say the lack of. Between Sue Finkham and Woody Rider, they had 29 years to help make Carmel government more transparent. “Rider also advocated for transparency”

    Sue Finkham had 13 years on the City Council to help make Carmel government more transparent and open! Two as President and two as Vice President.

    “She was elected to the Carmel City Council in 2012 where she has served as president (2021, 2017), vice president (2020, 2016) and finance chair for “

  2. Sheldon Barnes | April 17, 2023 at 8:12 am |

    Kevin “Woody” Rider is the only candidate with the experience and financial support to take on Miles in November. Woody has dedicated his life to serving others, owns two successful restaurants, and has served Carmel in numerous capacity during his time on the City Council. When Woody faced a false attack meant to hide lackluster fundraising, he didn’t counterattack, instead he continued pushing his message to Carmel voters that he is the leader that is most capable of building on the Brainard legacy. I encourage everyone to vote for Woody!

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