Carmel Teachers’ Association endorses Shapiro & Wheeler for Carmel Clay School Board


On Thursday, the Carmel Teachers’ Association (CTA) announced its official endorsement of Jon Shapiro and Kristina Wheeler for the Carmel Clay School Board in the upcoming election. This endorsement, which required a supermajority of support from voting members, marks a historic first for the CTA and adds to the growing list of distinguished endorsements for Shapiro and Wheeler.

CTA’s endorsement reflects the commitment Jon Shapiro and Kristina Wheeler have consistently demonstrated to the education community. Both candidates have shown unwavering support for educators and a dedication to the well-being of students, staff, and schools. They have given significant time and effort to advance the success of Carmel Clay Schools, and CTA believes they represent the values and priorities that are vital to the district’s continued success.

Shapiro has a long-standing career in education and was a key leader in the 2023 “Yes for CCS” referendum renewal campaign, which ensured the district’s funding remained secure. Wheeler serves on the Executive Board of the Carmel Education Foundation as Vice President for Compliance and Board Secretary. Both have strong personal connections to education through their family backgrounds and have been actively involved parents as their children have progressed through Carmel Clay Schools.

“As an association, we feel it is both appropriate and crucial to give a voice to our teachers in this election,” CTA President Mark Wien said. “The decisions made by the school board have a profound impact on the work of educators and the quality of education in our schools. Jon Shapiro and Kristina Wheeler have proven their dedication to building strong partnerships between teachers, staff, administration, and the community – an approach that aligns with our belief in the power of collaboration and communication.”

This endorsement is not tied to any political party, platform, or other individuals supporting the candidates. Instead, it is a testament to the candidates’ focus on education and their commitment to fostering a school board that serves the entire community. It is also important to note that an endorsement in this election cycle does not guarantee support for future candidacies.

CTA believes in supporting these candidates who will prioritize the needs of Carmel’s schools and uphold the nonpartisan nature of the school board. CTA is confident that Shapiro and Wheeler will continue to advocate for the interests of students, staff, and the broader community.

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Support CCS, a non-partisan Political Action Committee (PAC) established and run by families of CCS students, was among the first to endorse Shapiro and Wheeler.

“Both Jon and Kristina are deeply honored to receive the endorsement of our dedicated teachers,” Support CCS Chair Jennifer Cashin said. “Supporting our amazing educators is one of the top priorities for this election and candidates. We are pleased that the CTA recognizes Shapiro and Wheeler’s commitment to prioritizing and maintaining strong, healthy relationships with teachers. This endorsement reflects the trust and confidence that educators have in Shapiro and Wheeler to continue the legacy of excellence in Carmel Clay Schools.”

To ensure that the PAC’s endorsement reflected the diverse and broad community served by the district, a vetting committee was formed composed of four Republicans, three Democrats, and one Independent. This committee rigorously evaluated the candidates based on Support CCS’s six core values:

  1. Academic Excellence for All Students
  2. Fostering and Enhancing School Safety
  3. Preparing Students to Be Leaders in a Globalized World
  4. Promoting Parent Partnerships, Transparency, and Accountability in School Leadership
  5. Supporting Teachers as Respected Professionals Vital to Student Success
  6. Supporting the Mental Health and Wellness of All Students

Following the endorsement of Shapiro and Wheeler, Support CCS has been actively engaged in supporting their candidacies, mobilizing current and former CCS families to fundraise and volunteer.

“This endorsement by the CTA underscores the alignment of our candidates with the core values that define the success of Carmel Clay Schools,” Cashin said. “We are committed to supporting Jon and Kristina as they champion the needs of our students, teachers, and community, ensuring a continued focus on fostering a positive and collaborative environment.”

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