Carmel students in grades 6-12 will not return for full in-person learning this school year


Students in grades 6-12 at Carmel Clay Schools will not return to full in-person instruction during the remainder of the school year, according to an update posted to the school’s website on Wednesday.


“We have determined that it is in the best interests of our students to remain in the hybrid model for the remaining 8 weeks of the school year,” said Carmel Clay Schools Superintendent Dr. Michael Beresford in a statement posted online.

Beresford cited social distancing, transportation, and class size and balance as the reasons for the decision.

The school said it plans to return to full-time, in-person learning in the fall.

“We will continue to work with our medical community and follow the safety precautions moving forward,” the statement read. “We will also work with the school community at CHS and each middle school to create additional social opportunities and events where students who feel comfortable can safely gather before the end of the school year.”

The school also apologized for any additional stress or pressure the continuance of the hybrid model was putting on the students, staff, and families.

Read the full statement below.

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Dear CCS Family,

Our administrative team in cooperation with the Carmel Teachers Association has gone through a very detailed evaluation of how we might return grades 6-12 to every day learning. Through this evaluation, we have determined that it is in the best interests of our students to remain in the hybrid model for the remaining 8 weeks of the school year for the following reasons:

Class Size and Balance

We were not able to combine our student cohorts and keep classes balanced. Excluding typically large classes like band, choir, and orchestra, when we combined classes for everyday learning, CHS had 6 classes with over 50 students, 12 classes with 40-47 students and 8 classes with 35-37 students. We had very minimal opportunities to change student schedules to better balance classes and keep students with their current teachers.

At the middle school level, we had similar issues with each school having 30 to 50 classes with 35-43 students enrolled. The balancing process would result in over 100 students requiring a change of teacher.

Social Distancing

The larger classes noted above make any social distancing unmanageable. At CHS our current average lunch period now has approximately 560 students. Combining our cohorts would result in lunch periods of 1100-1200 in each of 4 lunch periods.  This would require expansion into other areas of the building to create 3-6 feet of distance.

In our middle schools, the larger classes noted above make any social distancing unmanageable as well. Our middle school lunch periods currently have an average of about 110 students. Lunch periods would increase to 220-260 students again requiring expansion to other areas of the building to create 3-6 feet of distance.  


Increased ridership as a result of combining the cohorts would result in over-crowding of busses which is already compounded by the shortage of bus drivers. We would anticipate an increase in the number of double bus routes where busses would pick up groups of students early, drop them off at school and go back out to pick up students on another route potentially causing delays in the start of school and in returning students home in the afternoon.

Moving Forward

Our plan moving forward is to maintain the current hybrid schedule for the rest of the school year with the intention of returning to full-time, every day learning in the fall.

We will continue to work with our medical community and follow the safety precautions moving forward. We will also work with the school community at CHS and each middle school to create additional social opportunities and events where students who feel comfortable can safely gather before the end of the school year. In addition, we will continue to help students who may be struggling academically. Please reach out to your student’s school counselor/social worker if you student needs support of any kind.

We are sorry for any additional stress or pressure this process has put on our students, staff, and families. We appreciate the feedback we have received from our school community from all sides. We will continue to communicate in real-time as this pandemic environment evolves and eventually comes to an end. Thank you for your patience, kindness and support through these complex and difficult times.