More than 80 streets are scheduled for an upgrade this spring and summer as the City of Carmel Street Department kicks off its annual paving projects with a budget of $5.2 million to improve local thoroughfares. Some of the preliminary work began this past week with major paving set to begin April 12.

“As much as we focus our efforts on building new roundabouts and increasing our multi-purpose trails and pathways, it is also important to keep our existing roadways in top condition,” Mayor Jim Brainard said. “We work hard to create a high quality of life in Carmel and that includes having smooth, pothole-free roads on which to drive in our city.”
This year’s budget for street paving includes a $1 million Community Crossings grant from the Indiana Department of Transportation, which will allow the city to repave seven of its busiest parkways and thoroughfares.
Each paving project begins with preliminary concrete and curb repairs that can take a few weeks to complete before the big job of milling the top surface of blacktop and repaving it with a new layer of about 1.25 inches in thickness. Typical milling and paving projects take three to five days to complete and require lane restrictions.
“Our goal is to have all the pavement work done before school starts in the fall, with concrete street repairs lasting until November if needed,” said Carmel Street Commissioner Terry Killen. “Concrete work can be done later in the calendar year when the weather starts to turn colder.”
Click here to view the full list of upcoming projects.
Range Line Road, Westfield Boulevard construction updates
The City of Carmel has decided to postpone a portion of the next phase of construction on Range Line Road between City Center and Elm Street until after the July 4 holiday. The construction of a new roundabout at Walnut Street (6th Street) and South Range Line Road will begin sometime after July 6 and will include a full closure of the intersection for approximately 75 days.
Meanwhile, a new roundabout project at 111th Street and a new culvert installation at Carmel Creek will prompt the closure of Westfield Boulevard from just south of 116th Street to 111th Street beginning on or after May 10 until about mid-August. The roundabout project will include utility work and a full closure for about 45 days. After that is completed, work will begin on the culvert project under Westfield Boulevard at the creek, just south of 116th Street.