Carmel Rotary protests at site of pavilion construction


A displeased group of 25 to 30 Carmel Rotary Club members showed up Tuesday morning at the site of the planned Carmel winter pavilion to protest demolition of an amphitheater on the site. Rotarians had paid $100,000 in 2011 toward construction of the amphitheater on what is known as Rotary Plaza along the Monon Trail.

But, in the past year Carmel officials decided the site would be better suited for the pavilion, which will serve as an added attraction to the Christkindlmarkt which is staged each year during the Christmas holidays. The Rotary club was to be notified of the new plans for the site, but a member of the club said yesterday the membership was not told until Aug. 31.

Construction crews showed up Tuesday morning to fence the area prior to demolition. Electrical service was disconnected in advance of actual demolition. The protesting Rotarians talked to reporters, but did not attempt to interfere with the work. The fenced area will apparently reduce the size of the farmers market that operates in the area on Saturdays.

A contract for the construction of the pavilion started out in a package of Clay Township projects, but at some point in recent days was handed off to Carmel city officials to oversee and presumably to pay. The cost has not been announced.

Rotarians may or may not get their $100,000 back under terms of an agreement made about 2011 with the city, which indicated such a reimbursement would be due if the city did not follow through with maintaining the facility.

Rotary members assembled at the site suggested a Plan B be adopted that might alter current plans, which they say will result only in a concrete pad most of the year since the pavilion is to be in place only for the winter.

Former Rotary president Judy Hagan wrote recently that it was “with dismay and disbelief as well as anger” that she learned of the loss of the facility. “What a waste,” she said. The Rotary motto includes the words “is it fair to all concerned?” she concluded.

Demolition plans will continue this week followed by construction of the foundation of the planned pavilion.

2 Comments on "Carmel Rotary protests at site of pavilion construction"

  1. OK, let me understand this. A site that was able to be used 365 days a year by the residents & their guests has been leveled for something that is only utilized a couple weeks a year… and with less than 30 days notice to a concerned party that dropped 100K a decade ago for the enjoyment of all?
    Sounds almost like what Noblesville is doing with the Federal Hill Park that was built 4 years ago.
    When those elected begin to not be good stewards of the people’s efforts & livelihoods, time for some changes in the next election(s).

  2. Alex Turpinoff | September 8, 2021 at 6:48 pm |

    This makes no sense. That’s a beautiful little brick structure that hosts bands for the farmer’s market all summer long. For what? A temporary tear down shack made of wood? The amphitheater beautifies the space. Why replace it with a temporary eye sore?

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