Monon Greenway at Carter Green
A reminder that the Monon Greenway trail in the City Center area is still closed for construction. This section was temporarily opened during CarmelFest for event traffic. However, due to ongoing construction and improvements underway, we need to keep pedestrians and cyclists out of the area for safety purposes.
1st Avenue NW Duke Transmission
Concrete and asphalt work is estimated to be substantially complete on or around July 25. Sidewalk completion will take place soon after.

This aerial view looking east shows the roundabout construction at Main Street and Richland Avenue. (Photo courtesy CrossRoad Engineers)
Main Street roundabouts
Main Street continues its closures at Richland Avenue and Lexington Boulevard for construction of two roundabouts. Contractors are targeting to have the roundabout at Richland Avenue open to traffic by Aug. 9 to accommodate school traffic starting on Aug. 10. The construction of the roundabout at Lexington has been delayed due to utility complications.
Keystone Parkway
Crews are in the process of sealing cracks on Keystone resulting in some lane restrictions for the remainder of July (weather dependent).