Carmel reader warns voters to think of future as clock ticks on Medicare insolvency

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Dear Editor:

Am I the only one who reads the Social Security Trust Fund report when it comes out every year? Sometimes I think so.

According to the 2020 report, Medicare runs out of money in 2027. But the left insists the solution to health care funding is adding hundreds of millions of younger beneficiaries under “Medicare for All” or “Medicare for Everyone Who Wants It” formats.

Now, I do think Medicare provides great coverage, but I paid premiums into it for 45 years before I made a single claim. I don’t know under what alchemy proponents of “Medicare for All” think allowing hundreds of millions of younger beneficiaries to buy into Medicare will drive down costs and improve care from a program already rapidly approaching insolvency.

Those who offer Medicare as a solution to health care for everyone are just asking you to let the government make your health care decisions for you.

Let there be no doubt, this is a false promise. One progressive candidate for Congress in Indiana’s 5th District recently ran an ad stating, “If you like your current insurance program, you can keep it” while stating her desire to allow access to Medicare for anyone who want it.

Haven’t we heard that one before? Obama said of PPACA, “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor,” while acknowledging to his cabinet that was not true … and it wasn’t.

As the saying goes, “Beware the naked man (or candidate) who offers you the shirt off his back.”

Christopher S. Barnthouse
