Carmel reader wants Congressional delegation to act on conservative climate solutions

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Dear Editor:

Last month’s SCOTUS decision that reels in EPA’s authority to regulate CO2, the chief driver of climate change, is a win for limiting federal overreach. At the same time, it underscores the need – now more than ever – for Congressional action on this important topic.

Going forward, federal elected officials – not D.C. bureaucrats – will be responsible for delivering legislation that can achieve emissions reductions at scale.

Luckily, a growing number of our representatives are working largely out of the limelight to strengthen U.S. climate leadership in Congress. Their work deserves praise and attention.

A few examples: Senator Mike Braun, who is co-chair of the first-ever bipartisan Climate Solutions Caucus, recently marshaled one of the first climate-only bills, the Growing Climate Solutions Act, through the Senate. Senator Todd Young has advanced bills to ramp up the deployment of high-tech agriculture innovations and advanced energy technologies like nuclear. And Congressmen Jim Baird and Larry Bucshon are part of the House’s new Conservative Climate Caucus that is seeking out solutions.

These are important actions, but now it’s essential that Congress steps up to meet the moment and do more.

One area of quick agreement could be holding other countries accountable for their pollution. We let foreign countries undercut American manufacturers by producing high-polluting goods cheaply. We should level the playing field by imposing fees on high-polluting imported goods, thereby protecting Hoosier jobs and our economy.

I urge our Congressional delegation to act quickly. When they do, Hoosiers like me will be standing by their side.

Carlton Anker
