Carmel reader throws support behind Christine Pauley for County Council

Dear Editor:

Christine Pauley will be getting my vote for the County Council’s 4th District position … Not because she’s my neighbor, and not because she’s my boss, but because she has the moral compass and integrity that I would want in ANY person running for a position of leadership in our community!

It’s true … I have known Christine as a neighbor for the past three and a half years. I was impressed with her when I first met her at an HOA meeting in the midst of elections of new board members. She stood and addressed the group of home owners and articulately expressed her desires to serve our community as a member of the board of directors. We served together on that board and I grew to trust her fair judgement, prudent management of HOA funds, as well as her thoughtful compassion for others.

As an Office Administrator and Administrative Assistant, for decades I have served CEOs, doctors and several exceptionally discerning executives. For the past 17 months, I have functioned as the Office Administrator in the City’s Clerk Treasurer’s Office, which allows me to work on a daily basis with our City’s Clerk Treasurer. I have had the good fortune in my life to have been able to serve some of the most astute, dedicated and sagacious individuals with which one can hope to discover in one’s existence, and I find Christine Pauley to be among the best … superlative!

In revealing the Christine I know, I realize I have used many adjectives and have attached numerous accolades to her name, but she’s really JUST THAT GOOD … and I will vote for her with confidence on May 8!

Karen Taylor
