(Top) Officer Hunter Rogowski has breakfast with a young boy before the Meijer shopping trip began. (Middle) Officers Joe Bickel and Greg Zimmerman and (bottom) Matthew Broadnax enjoyed their time with the kids at Saturday’s Holidays with Heroes event. (Photos provided)
On Dec. 7, the Carmel Police Department (CPD) held its inaugural Holidays with Heroes event. CPD, in partnership with Shamrock Self Storage and Meijer, provided breakfast, a shopping trip to Meijer and other gifts for 40 children from the community.
Holidays can sometimes be stressful, and for those families with financial challenges, the stress of not being able to provide gifts for their children can be overwhelming. The Holidays with Heroes event was an opportunity to provide assistance and time for CPD officers to bond and build relationships with participants.
CPD would like to thank Shamrock Self Storage, Meijer, Carmel Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 185, Current Publishing, Carmel Youth Assistance Program, Carmel Clay Schools, Chick-fil-A, Jack’s Donuts, Bolden’s Dry Cleaners and the many other organizations and individuals who made donations to make this event possible.