The Carmel Police Department (CPD) has announced the release of the Traffic Stop Dashboard. This web-based portal gives citizens the opportunity to view statistics on traffic stops made by Carmel police officers, as well as the number of warnings and citations written.
Additionally, the dashboard enables the user to filter the traffic stop information using any combination of several categories, such as: Type of Stop, Driver Race, Driver Ethnicity, Driver Gender, Driver Age Range, and Violation Type.
The Traffic Stop Dashboard was created in collaboration with KSM Consulting, who worked with a community focus group to determine the desired content. This dashboard will be updated monthly and will allow citizens to monitor the traffic stop activity of police officers throughout the year.
The addition of the Dashboard is part of an ongoing effort to ensure transparency to the public. CPD says that today, more than ever, it is important for police departments to be more transparent and open to the communities they serve. Last year, CPD updated its website by making all department policies forward facing. CPD also updates the website with quarterly reports on uses of force, complaints, and pursuits.
To learn more about the Traffic Stop Dashboard, please visit the Carmel Police Department page on the City of Carmel’s website and click on the Research, Reports & Demographics subpage.

Graphic provided by City of Carmel