Carmel playground closed due to vandalism

The playground at Central Park West Commons was closed Monday while crews made repairs to bathrooms and cleaned up debris throughout the park. (Photo provided)

A popular playground in Carmel was temporarily closed Monday due to considerable vandalism. The playground at Central Park West Commons, 920 Central Park Drive West, was closed while crews made necessary repairs as a result of the vandalism which occurred sometime Monday night.

Sinks were pulled off walls, mirrors were smashed and shattered, toilet paper, soap dispensers and changing tables were destroyed, and debris was spread throughout the park.

“Based on initial inspections, damage was extensive enough to require a temporary closure to allow for repairs and cleanup,” said Michael Klitzing, Chief Operating Officer. “It is disappointing to see the lack of respect for public property or for the children for whom the space is intended.”

Since its official opening in September 2016, the playground has seen thousands of visitors and is sure to be a destination of travel this summer for many families.

The park reopened Tuesday afternoon.