Carmel marks Earth Day 2023 with launch of Climate Action Plan dashboard

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The City of Carmel, working together with technology partner Kausal Ltd, is launching its Climate Action Plan (CAP) dashboard for Earth Day, April 22. The dashboard will make it easier for the public to monitor CAP progress in real time. The goal is to make sure the city’s climate work is not only easily accessible by all citizens but can also serve as an inspiration for all to do their part.

By partnering with Kausal, the City of Carmel will offer residents and stakeholders transparent and user-friendly access to the CAP via the city’s website, allowing a better understanding of the CAP and what actions and strategies the city has established for each of the seven key CAP sectors:

  • Public Education Programs
  • Energy and Built Environment
  • Transportation
  • Water and Wastewater
  • Solid Waste
  • Local Food and Agriculture
  • Greenspace


“There is no better time to launch this website than on Earth Day 2023, as a way to place this important issue front and center with web access that all residents can see and learn about the city’s climate related efforts,” Mayor Jim Brainard said.

Earth Day was established in 1970 through the cooperation of grass-roots environmental groups and President Richard Nixon’s administration, which was already working on several initiatives involving the environment such as the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. The issues surrounding ecology were of enormous importance to Americans, in a way that transcended political lines. President Nixon stepped up his efforts to curtail pollution and protect the biosphere and by the end of that year, the conservative Republican president signed the executive order creating the Environmental Protection Agency. Earth Day has been celebrated annually ever since.

The Climate Action Plan dashboard can be found at

About Kausal Ltd
Kausal develops a software-as-a-service for cities to set clear climate targets, build actionable climate plans and stay on track to achieve them. Kausal helps communities turn data into knowledge to address broad and systemic problems. Learn more at