Carmel Library holds contest for teen mural

The Carmel Clay Public Library (CCPL) is soliciting designs from teen artists for a mural for the new Teens space at the renovated Main Library.

Young people in grades 9 through 12 who live or attend school in Carmel are invited to submit their concepts to the library now through Dec. 15. The winning artist will receive a $2,000 stipend and have their work transformed into a wallcovering that will become the bold focal point for the new space.

“Throughout my time at the library I have been continually impressed by the creativity and talent of Carmel teens,” said Young Adult Services Manager Jamie Beckman. “We’re thrilled to give a teen artist the opportunity to play a part in making this space a place that teens can truly call their own.”

The 115-foot wall where the mural will be featured is part of an impressive expansion to the library’s previous young adult space. The new area will be housed on the first floor of the Main Library in the space formerly occupied by the audiovisual collection. In addition to young adult books, the space will include new study and programming rooms. In all, the new Teens area will be more than six times the size of the previous department to better serve the large number of teen library users, including an active Teen Volunteer Corps and a 128-person Teen Library Council.

Complete contest details are available at

The expanded Main Library is slated to reopen in late 2022. Partners in the construction project include RATIO Architects, Skillman Corporation (Construction Manager), and the Veridus Group (Owner’s Representative). Project details can be found at