There are major improvements planned for the Home Place area of Carmel. These improvements involve storm water collection and mitigation, several roadway improvements, the creation of new roundabouts at major intersections, newly established pedestrian connectivity, landscaped medians, and other elements.
106th Street multi-use path
On or after Aug. 15, the construction of a multi-use path on 106th Street from Pennsylvania Street to College Avenue will begin. The path will be constructed along the south side of East 106th Street within the city’s right-of-way with defined crossings at each intersecting roadway. This project will also include storm water collection and regrading which will improve drainage along this section of roadway. The project will not involve any scheduled closures of East 106th Street and work will be substantially complete before the end of 2022 with restoration to the area in the form of grass or plantings to take place in early spring of 2023.
106th Street & College Avenue roundabout
On or after Sept. 6, the construction of a new roundabout at 106th Street and College Avenue will begin with a 60-day full closure of the intersection. Once complete, there will be new pedestrian crosswalks and a piece of patriotic art commissioned by Clay Township and Friends of Home Place.
The roundabout at 106th Street and College Avenue will feature a patriotic centerpiece commissioned by Clay Township and Friends of Home Place. (Rendering provided)
College Avenue reconstruction
This fall and winter, residents will notice continued utility work along College Avenue from 96th Street to 106th Street in preparation for the rebuilding of the northern section of College Avenue.
Spring 2023 will bring major reconstruction to the northern section of College Avenue. This project also will involve storm water collection, the addition of pedestrian paths, landscaped medians and a single-lane roadway in each direction. This project does not widen College Avenue but rather reconstructs it in a design that fits within the already existing city right-of-way.
Pennsylvania Parkway & College Avenue roundabout
Also scheduled for 2023, the city will begin the construction of a new roundabout at the intersection of Pennsylvania Parkway and College Avenue. This is expected to be a full closure with details forthcoming.
96th Street & College Avenue
106th Street & Westfield Boulevard
In late 2023, roundabouts at 96th Street and College Avenue as well as 106th Street and Westfield Boulevard are anticipated to begin construction through the INDOT bidding process. Further details to be announced as they become available.
Storm water improvements
Additional storm water work is being designed and scheduled by region with projects expected to begin in the fall of 2022. Improvements will start in the Orchard Park neighborhood south of 106th Street and Westfield Boulevard, with future projects to be announced.