Carmel Clay sets $22M bond issue for new schools

The Carmel Clay School Board has announced plans for the sale of $22.4 million in general obligation bonds to finance construction of two new elementary schools and upgrades in other buildings.

Plans were first announced last year for the new schools to replace Carmel Elementary and Orchard Park Elementary. The new Carmel Elementary will be built on school property near the site of the present building at 101 4th Ave. S.E. The school is more than 50 years old.

The new Orchard Park building will be constructed on a site along Clay Center Road north of 116th Street. Its relocation from the Orchard Park neighborhood at 106th Street and Westfield Blvd. has been a subject of controversy by patrons who do not want the school’s location to be moved from its present area. Orchard Park was built in the 1950s.

Following several months of debate and protest from some residents, the school board this week proceeded with action on the bond sale. In addition to the new buildings, the bond proceeds will finance a wide range of improvements at all schools in the Carmel system.

Technology upgrades, renovation of buildings for increased safety and security, equipping some facilities, land improvements and even the purchase of performing arts instruments are among the items listed as being covered by the bonds.

Presumably the bond sale process will get underway immediately, although no date is mentioned in the notice to taxpayers. The school corporation will pay no more than 5 percent interest on the bonds, and a lower rate could be achieved through bidding, school officials say.