Carmel City Councilman Ron Carter will file for re-election as an At-Large member. Carter began serving the citizens of Carmel at the same time as Mayor Jim Brainard.
When Carter first ran for office on a parks and greenways platform, the community had under 50 acres of parks and little to no bicycle facilities. Today, Carmel has over 1,000 acres of parks including the nationally recognized Monon Trail, along with nearly 200 additional miles of bicycling facilities. As the leading advocate of turning the abandoned rail line into a linear park, Ron worked with other volunteers and the mayor to get the Trail built in the face of strong opposition.
Carter was one of the co-founders of the Carmel Farmers Market. He is currently the Market Master and the president of the Market committee.
Working cooperatively and respectfully with Mayor Brainard, Ron has supported the initiatives that have made Carmel the No. 1 city in the United States. He has supported the development of Central Park, the redevelopment of Old Town into the Arts & Design District, the Center for the Performing Arts, the development of City Center and the construction of our roundabouts.
Carter says his guiding philosophy when it comes to public service is different than most elected officials who promise that they will cut taxes to the bone. Carter says philosophy is based on a simple concept: To provide the very best value possible for the tax dollars that Carmel citizens entrust to the members of city council. His advocacy of that philosophy on the council, with the mayor and to city employees has led to Carmel having the very best amenities of any city in the United States. But he also emphasizes that his philosophy and vision have helped everyone enjoy the fourth lowest tax rate in Indiana.
Carter spent the bulk of his business career in the advertising, marketing and sales training arenas. While he grew up on the west side of Indianapolis, he and his wife Barbara have lived in both Chicago and North Carolina. He has three daughters along with 10 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Ron and Barbara are avid bike riders, spending most of their riding time on their tandem mountain bike.
Carter says he looks forward to continuing to work with Mayor Brainard and his fellow members of the council to Keep Carmel First.