Carmel citizen recalls seeing Brainard, Pauley together in public

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Editor’s note: The following letter was sent to City of Carmel Director of Community Relations Nancy Heck. It is republished in The Reporter with permission of the author.

I would like to share an experience I had with Mayor Brainard in 2016.

I took my wife to the presentation of Shen Yu. We were seated in the middle center waiting for the show to begin when Mayor Brainard and an attractive blond lady came into our aisle.

Mayor Brainard sat next to me with the lady on the other side of him. Mayor Brainard and I did not converse the entire evening as he and the lady were in conversation the whole time the show was on and during intermission. It was clear that they were in a relationship and held hands all evening.

I now recognize that lady to be the same one accusing Mayor Brainard of inappropriate conduct, Christine Pauley. Based upon my personal observation there was definitely something going on between them, and it was a mutual thing.

Really sorry she has decided to play the woman scorned at election time and I think most people understand that it is a political stunt.

That was a special night for my wife and me. It was the last time we were able to be out together before she passed in April 2017. Ms. Pauley’s stunt has caused me to relive a wonderful evening shared with my wife with some dismay.

At the end of the evening, when preparing to leave the theater, I told Mayor Brainard I thought he was doing a fine job and to keep up the good work. He said, “Thanks” and we all left.

Don’t know if he remembers me, however, I definitely remember sitting next to the Mayor of Carmel for an evening.


Lonnie M Schauwecker

Owner, Small Jobs etc.
