Carmel Christkindlmarkt, a German holiday for all ages

Sandy Richardson shows Gemma Burton some of the fun things kids can do in the Kinderecke building. (Reporter photo by Stu Clampitt)

Carmel Christkindlmarkt officially opens Saturday, but on Wednesday, The Reporter got a glimpse of what you can enjoy starting this weekend. Christkindlmarkt 2018 opens Saturday at 10 Center Green, Carmel (located on 3rd Avenue SW, just south of City Center Drive, next to the Center for the Performing Arts). Hours will be 4 to 9 p.m. on Wednesdays and Thursdays, noon to 9 p.m. Fridays through Sundays until Dec. 23; closed for Thanksgiving Day.

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Reporter photos by Stu Clampitt