Carmel bridges wrestling/cornhole gap

The third annual Carmel USA Wrestling Club Cornhole Tournament takes place Sunday afternoon at Cool Creek Park, located on 151st Street just east of U.S. 31. Everyone is welcome to enter the tournament. (Photo courtesy Carmel USA Wrestling Club)


Even wrestlers need to get outside and enjoy the fresh air every once in a while.

The Carmel USA Wrestling Club will be doing that this weekend when it hosts its third annual Cornhole Tournament. The tournament begins at 5 p.m. Sunday at Cool Creek Park, on 151st Street just east of U.S. 31.

Everyone is welcome at the tournament, and expect to see quite a few wrestlers there having fun, which is the point of the event.

“There’s a couple of things that happen with our cornhole tournament,” said Pendoski. “We really pay close attention to periodization of training. July, August, it’s really important to relax. We like to have a lot of fun.”

In fact, the coach said that right now, wrestlers in the practice room aren’t even wrestling, but finding other things to do. Jiu-jitsu, anyone?

“This is the time of year where we spend a lot of time lifting and having fun,” said Pendoski. The coach said the cornhole tournament is a great place to do that, allowing the wrestlers to get together and be sociable, since they “spend the entire winter beating the snot” out of one another.

“You also have to take it easy on your mind,” said Pendoski. “That’s the biggest goal. Go outside, enjoy the weather, be around family.”

The cornhole tournament is open to everyone. The cost is $20 per two-person team ($10 per player), payable by cash or check at the tournament. There will be a single-elimination bracket for the tournament, with a prize going to the winning team. Those that attend are asked to bring their own food and drink.

For more information, click this link.