Carmel Mayor Jim Brainard was notified recently that the U.S. Postal Service headquarters in Washington, D.C. approved the city’s request for residents and businesses within zip code 46280 to be able to use Carmel in their address line. In the past, this area had been using Indianapolis in its address.

After the Home Place area officially became part of the City of Carmel, it was more important for these residents and businesses to be associated with the city in which they live and work.
Having the 46280 zip code area physically inside the corporate limits of Carmel, but using the Indianapolis city name in the address line led to much confusion. Now, these areas will be correctly identified as Carmel.
Residents and businesses may start using Carmel in their address beginning July 1, 2020. The zip code will remain 46280 and the mail will still be processed through the Nora post office.
“I pursued the change in the address line after hearing from residents and businesses in the Home Place area who wanted to be able to use their city name in their address. This helps them be better identified as Carmel residents and businesses,” Brainard said.