Brownsburg resident picks local candidates

I am a concerned citizen of the state of Indiana. I am concerned about the way the current politicians of Hamilton County have made (proven to be) false statements and accusations against the Indiana Transportation Museum, a 52-year non-profit institution that has provided revenue to the county, family traditions, the history and heritage of railroading and has attracted visitors from across the nation as well as from foreign countries.

I am appalled at the lack of interest and support the county has shown toward the vandalism of historic museum property and the vandalism of ITM board members’ homes and personal property. These current politicians have no honor or respect for the people who elected them. And obviously no regard or honor and respect of themselves. These actions makes one wonder if Conner Prairie might be next. Or, if Marion County politicians were as corrupt as the current Hamilton County politicians, would they have their eye on bankrupting and closing the Children’s Museum?

After reading many emails to and from Hamilton County officials as they colluded in secret to bankrupt the Indiana Transportation Museum and tear up the Nickel Plate railroad tracks, it’s disturbing to see these same public officials endorse candidates who are now asking for your votes.

These candidates, if elected, would be beholden to those officials and would do nothing to save the tracks or the museum. In fact, they would be determined to do just the opposite and continue trying to get rid of the tracks and ITM.

I am asking you to vote against the candidates endorsed by these public office holders and, instead, vote for the candidates who we know for certain will work to save the railroad tracks and the ITM trains. These people I am recommending will also listen to the people in the community and work for them and not for their campaign donors.

Please vote for:

  • Brad Beaver for State Representative, District 29
  • Matt Milam for Hamilton County Commissioner
  • Fred Glynn, Hamilton County Council, District 1
  • Mark Hall, Hamilton County Council, District 3
  • Brian Baehl, Fall Creek Township board member

I have been a volunteer at the Indiana Transportation Museum for 21 years. I am currently the Chairman of the Railroad Operations Board and am also a locomotive engineer. I know first-hand that the railroad tracks have always been safe and have always passed the inspections of the Federal Railroad Administration, in spite of what the public has been told by those who want to destroy the museum.

I cannot vote for the candidates that I know will support the trains, but at least I can let Hamilton County voters know the truth and encourage them to cast their votes for the candidates that will work hard to save the museum that has been serving them for more than 50 years.

Thank you.

Steve Roof


1 Comment on "Brownsburg resident picks local candidates"

  1. Susan Miller | April 28, 2018 at 8:20 am |

    Just take a look at who is spending the most money on ads in this very newspaper. Those are the public officials who want to do away with the railroad tracks and the Indiana Transportation Museum. Those with the splashiest ads are bought and paid for by their fellow politicians who want to keep their power. They will do what they are told. Greg O’Connor was one who plotted to get rid of the Indiana Transportation Museum from the beginning, and his emails that prove this are on the Save the Nickel Plate website. Please vote against him and against Christine Altman. Brad Beaver and Matt Milam are true supporters of ITM and the trains.

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