The House of Representatives recently passed H.R. 3249, the Project Safe Neighborhoods Grant Program Authorization Act, which authorizes $50 million annually from fiscal year 2019 until fiscal year 2021 for the Project Safe Neighborhoods program.
Congresswoman Susan W. Brooks (R-IN05) provided the following statement in support of its passage:
“As former U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Indiana, I oversaw the implementation of Project Safe Neighborhoods and led efforts with law enforcement, prosecutors, community leaders and neighborhoods to reduce gun violence and gun-related crimes. The Project Safe Neighborhoods Block Grant Program supports strategies to reduce violent crimes, such as enforcing gun laws, and prioritizing efforts combating gang-related activities; developing evidence-based prevention initiatives, such as juvenile justice projects; and collecting data on program outcomes. I am proud Congress worked to pass this critical piece of legislation and encourage the President to sign this crime-reduction tool swiftly into law.”