Due to the continued spread of COVID-19, Carmel Mayor Jim Brainard is strongly urging all who are in public to wear face coverings.

Brainard is also urging employers to request all frontline employees wear face masks and be tested for the COVID-19 virus. Testing is a very important part of preventing the spread of the virus. Identifying those asymptomatic carriers of COVID-19 will allow them to self-quarantine for the recommended 14-day period, further reducing the spread of the virus.
It has been recommended by physicians that wearing face coverings can help slow the spread of COVID-19. While homemade masks are not rated to stop all airborne particles, experts suggest that the reduction of the spread of droplets that occurs when a face covering is worn does reduce the distance these droplets can travel, therefore reducing the likelihood of one coming into contact with the virus.
Brainard requests those out shopping for necessary items at essential business such as grocery stores, hardware stores, pharmacies, restaurants and others interacting with the public wear face coverings. In addition, businesses should also request that food and product delivery persons, private shelf-stockers and mail/package carriers (UPS, FedEx, USPS, Amazon, etc.) wear masks while in those essential businesses.
Physical distancing and hand washing are still recommended precautions even when a face covering is worn. Staying at home, washing your hands for at least 20 seconds, physical distancing of six feet or more, wearing gloves and covering one’s face are all ways to help slow the spread of this deadly virus traveling the globe.
Brainard released the following statement:
“I am strongly urging the public to wear face masks or face coverings of some type when they are out away from their homes. State law does not give mayors the authority to order all to wear face coverings during this crisis. It is so important that we take every precaution to stop the spread of COVID-19, especially as we pass into what many are predicting is the worst time for Indiana.
“I strongly urge everyone who is a frontline worker to consider their safety and the safety of others by adding a face covering to the list of things they are doing to better protect our community. We need to remember how easily this virus can spread and take seriously the warnings from the medical community about flattening the curve so that our healthcare workers are not overwhelmed and so that our scientific community can create ways for us to battle COVID-19.
“I thank you all for your diligence in this battle. We are going to come out of this crisis a stronger and more resilient community. I am touched by the ways people are helping each other and lifting our spirits during this time of physical distancing. Many are finding that keeping their distance physically does NOT mean we can’t find unique and entertaining ways to connect socially and I applaud everyone for that.”