Student Impact of Westfield’s Black Tie Bingo, the organization’s first large scale fundraiser, was a huge success, raising approximately $50,000. At last week’s event, 170 attendees played bingo, heads and tails, and bid on several silent auction items. All proceeds benefited Student Impact of Westfield. “We are beyond thrilled with the number of attendees, the community support and the overall enthusiasm displayed for our first fundraiser,” said Executive Director Danyele Easterhaus. “I am so grateful for the opportunity to be a safe place for all kids and because of the success of this event, be able to grow and provide additional support and opportunities for our kids.”

The Student Impact of Westfield Board of Directors include (from left) Mike McKinney, Brian Tomamichel, Eric Douthit, Carrie Cason, Billy Adams, Jamie Mills, Danyele Easterhaus, Tyler Enyart, and Scott Willis. (Photo courtesy LNM Photography)
Photos courtesy LNM Photography