Is it just me or does it seem like there is an unusual allegiance and pride that is invoked in folks when it comes to their choice in wholesale club?
You know how they say nothing unites people quite like love and hate? I have found that perhaps one of the most unifying, and quite frankly, obnoxious things is how people favor their own love of their wholesale club. There are few things in life that I have seen people get more passionate about than their love of their big box wholesale member club. And for whatever reason, it seems like the more alcohol that is consumed at a party, the more passions about these clubs become comical. It becomes a quest to get others to come to their side and abandon ship at their current club. It also becomes a time where people gang up on those non-members to settle the debate that their club is superior.
Shortly after moving to Fishers, we decided to join BJ’s. It was just built and close to our house. It has the dog food we like, fantastic prices on water, cheaper gas, and I love a $4.99 rotisserie chicken. I mean, where else can you go and get a giant cookie and a hot dog for $2? Oh, and have you seen the prices on baby wipes there?
All our other friends and my mom are members of Costco. I find myself constantly defending BJ’s and pleading the case that BJ’s is just as good as Costco and was always outnumbered. Deep down, even though I would defend BJ’s and lay down my life that it was just as good as Costco, I would always wonder what is going on at Costco that everyone is always so excited about. I would mention it to my husband, maybe we should check it out sometime just to get a feel for the temperature of the water and if he was open. Of course, this was met with, “Have you seen the gas prices at BJ’s?? We aren’t jumping ship. They’ve got everything we need.”
A few days ago, I was talking to my mom, and she’s headed to Costco. She asks if I want to join. Casually, I say that I could meet her over there. Inside, I was anxious with anticipation and excitement to see what Costco has to offer, but I know I’ve got to play it cool. As I’m walking into the store, I’m met with a blast of air from fans overhead after coming in off the blacktop parking lot on an extremely sweltering day and was immediately put in a good mood as my body temperature decreased.
A few paces later, I’m met with the most luxurious bath towels for $4.99. Are you serious? I just paid twice that amount on Amazon for the world’s crappiest towels that you can barely wrap and cover your whole body because after one wash they shrunk. We keep walking and then I see appliances. I mean, you can get a fridge or an oven if you want. “BJ’s doesn’t have appliances,” I think as I’m walking the aisles.
At this point, my kids were getting fussy, and I offered to get them a snack. As I walk to the snack area, I see that they have giant cookies and you can even get an ice cream sundae. Are you kidding me? They’ve also got pizza!? As I hand my children their ice cream, my daughter makes sure to announce that BJ’s doesn’t have any ice cream in their snack area. In fairness to BJ’s, they do have cookies, but they are not served warm like they are at Costco.
We continue walking through the store, and I see that they have the same deal on water. The entire time, I’m thinking of all the selling points for my husband because I know he’s going to bring up that case of 40 bottles of water for only $3.99.
Speaking of my husband, all he’s been wanting is a whole beef brisket to smoke on Father’s Day. We’ve kept our eyes out and checked the circulars, but for the most part, no sales. Most that we’ve seen were around $90. As we head to the meat department, I think to myself, “If I can find a brisket at a reasonable price, he may just jump ship.” I see the case filled to the brim with briskets. As I approach the case, I see the perfect brisket for $59.

My husband’s smoked brisket courtesy of Costco. NOTE: A few days prior to scoring a great deal on a brisket, Megan accidentally did not make sure the garage fridge was closed and had to go back and buy ANOTHER brisket. The price was still amazing though. (Photo provided)
My husband has complained about our beach chairs for around three years. Every time we go to the beach, he looks at everyone else and their beach chairs and then the ones we are sitting in and says, “We’ve got to get new chairs before next year.” As I’m walking towards the checkout, I see Tommy Bahama chairs. I don’t get too excited because I’ve priced these exact chairs before, and they are nearly $60 each. As I get closer, I see that these chairs are $30. These aren’t just any beach chairs; these chairs become a backpack, have a head rest, can fully recline, have a pocket to put your cell phone and book, and yes, they even have a cooler attached to the back to keep your beverage of choice cold on the beach. As I load these two chairs into the cart, I see the beach towels for $10.99. These are the exact types of towels that we’ve been saying we need to get before our summer vacation. I add those to the cart, too.
I also happen to notice while I’m there that they have a pharmacy, which BJ’s does not have.
Oh, and the gas that my husband claims is a sticking point … Well, guess what? Gas was $3.05 at both places that very day.
As I walk to the membership desk, I look around and realize that I have come to the other side. I now understand the obnoxious debates and get why people are so passionate about joining Costco because it is better. There really are two types of people. I’m not talking about liberals and conservatives or believers and non-believers. I’m talking about Costco members and non-members.
If push comes to shove and I had to pick, I vote for Costco.
Megan Rathz is a wife, mother, and teacher. She says everything she has ever learned in life came from her Master Gardener mother.
While both BJ’s and Costco offer a wide range of products, I have to say that my loyalty lies with BJ’s. The quality of the products at BJ’s has always impressed me, from fresh produce to household goods. The customer service at BJ’s is excellent, with helpful and friendly staff always available to assist. Overall, I find the shopping experience at BJ’s to be more convenient and pleasant compared to other wholesale clubs.