Bittersweet thoughts on Carmel financial excellence

Dear Editor:

It is bittersweet to read in the Reporter (March 9) that Carmel has been cited by an international body for excellence in financial reporting. Clerk-Treasurer Christine Pauley and her staff should be justifiably proud of their accomplishment – two years in a year.

That’s sweet.

What’s bitter is knowing Ms. Pauley is unwelcome in the mayor’s future plans for the city, picking a successor for her when the clerk-treasurer job is split into an elected clerk and an appointment treasurer when the city becomes a Class II jurisdiction Jan. 1, 2020.

At the very time continuity, experience and – to be sure – excellence would help the city, Ms. Pauley will go away. And, we are left with $1.3 billion in total outstanding debt (according to the Indiana Department of Local Government Finance) and tyros in command of clerical/financial matters.

William Shaffer
