BGCN, Sunrisers Kiwanis partnering for pancakes

The Boys & Girls Club of Noblesville, in partnership with the Noblesville Sunrisers Kiwanis Club, will hold its annual Pancake Breakfast from 8 a.m. to noon on Saturday, Feb. 15 at the Community Center, located at 1700 Conner St., Noblesville. Please enter through Door 4.

Tickets to the all-you-can-eat pancake and sausage breakfast are $5 and can be purchased in advance at the Community Center, at the Boys & Girls Club, from any youth basketball league player or coach or at the door the day of the event. The Noblesville Sunrisers Kiwanis Club members will be onsite that morning to assist in preparing breakfast for those in attendance.

Each year, nearly 1,500 people attend this fundraising event to benefit BGCN’s affordable sports programs to include basketball, cheerleading and volleyball.

“The Pancake Breakfast marks the midway point in our basketball season, and there is some competition on who can sell the most tickets which always makes for a great crowd,” said Tony Eslamirad, Sports Director at the Boys & Girls Club. “The team that sells the most tickets to the event gets rewarded with a VIP experience by receiving a limo ride to an Indiana Pacers game!”

For more information about the breakfast and to purchase tickets, please contact Tony Eslamirad at (317) 773-4372 or by email at

About the Boys & Girls Club

The Boys & Girls Club of Noblesville provides high-quality, low-cost programs for youth members with the help of donors and sponsors. Between the Club, the Community Center and Camp Crosser, BGCN provides opportunities for members to enjoy activities and experiences that help shape character and offer new perspectives. BGCN is dedicated to inspiring and enabling all young people to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens by promoting leadership, character, health and physical development.