“We are Easter people living in a Good Friday world.” – Barbara Johnson
I read that quote two weeks ago, and it has stayed with me. I love the season of Lent. Yes, it holds a lot of sadness, but as an Easter person, there will always be hope.
I’m heart-deep into the 40 days of Lent.
Good Friday was the day Jesus was crucified. People were left without hope until the Third Day, when the tomb was empty. Jesus had risen from the dead.
As a follower of Jesus, spending time with Him during the early morning hours gives me a positive start to my day. Reading the scriptures teaches me more about Jesus and how I should live my life.
Jesus spent three years in ministry. He didn’t hang out with the popular people. He met with the marginalized people, the people with not-so-nice reputations. He was gossiped about. He was betrayed by those He loved. Yet … He never stopped loving.
He didn’t die on the cross to condemn but that those who believe in Him might be saved.
But on the third day, He arose. He gave the world hope and the promise of everlasting life.
You have the choice to believe or not. I know that I cannot imagine living my life without my Faith.
Life is hard. Bad things happen to good people. The world is loud and chaotic. I have more questions than answers. This is where Faith is proven.
I want to leave a legacy that says … she kept her Faith and loved well. I believe that kindness matters. My mother raised me to be that woman. She was my example. I was blessed.
I have come to realize that I should not tell someone what they should do until I have walked the same journey. And is their journey ever precisely the same as mine? Lord, help me to keep my thoughts to myself until I weigh out whether they will help or do damage.

Photo provided by Janet Hart Leonard
Empathy is more important than judgment. It is the action of understanding and being sensitive to the feelings of others. Have I been guilty of judging? Sadly, the answer is yes. The older I get, the more I want to see people like Jesus would see them.
Perhaps the weeks I’ve spent reading the scriptures about how Jesus lived his three years in ministry have taught me that it doesn’t matter what I do or say if I don’t love well.
I’m really liking this early morning rhythm of listening to piano hymns, lighting my taper candle, opening my Bible, and leaning into and embracing the scriptures. My soul is weary and needs nurturing.
I’m slowing down, tuning out the loud noise of a screaming world, and looking for ways to love people.
I’ve learned that challenging times and challenging people can make me a better person. Goodness is to be found in the hard times and with difficult people.
If I truly am a follower of Jesus, it will show in my words and actions. I want to be known as one of the Easter people. The Good Friday people need love and to see the hope that following Jesus offers.
I’ll be thinking about Barbara Johnson’s quote for a long time. Please, Lord, help me be the best Easter person I can be. Amen.
Janet Hart Leonard can be contacted at janethartleonard@gmail.com or followed on Facebook or Instagram (@janethartleonard). Visit janethartleonard.com.
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