Beating the holiday blues this season



The holidays can be a stressful time of year for many people. Spending time with family that you do not see very often can lead to holiday stress or even grief for those who have lost a loved one.

A psychologist with Indiana University Health said she often sees holiday-related stress this time of year.

She said if interactions with certain family members are challenging, plan ahead and if the conversations become too stressful, leave the situation.

For those who grieve a lost loved one during the holiday season, find a tradition that you used to do with that person as a way to memorialize them. That can help with the grieving process.

Dr. Danielle Henderson said this time year can lead to seasonal depression, also known as Seasonal Affective Disorder because of the overall lack of sunlight.

“Plan more activities for myself, fun things, getting out of the house, and also how can I maximize my exposure to the sun. Maybe on my lunch break, take a quick walk around the block,” said Henderson.

Henderson gave advice on when to seek professional help.

“If you’re noticing increased symptoms with depression or changes in mood, anxiety and definitely if you’re having thoughts about wanting to harm yourself or someone else, then definitely seek mental health treatment,” she added.