No doubt about it … this is the hottest month of the year, but do not despair. Come to the Carmel Arts and Design District this Saturday, Aug. 14, for the “dog days of summer” at Allied Solutions’ Meet Me on Main from 5 to 9 p.m.
Come to the public plaza at Main Street and the Monon Greenway (in front of Anthony’s Chophouse) for a chance to take part in the completion of a beautiful community chip-in mosaic project that began in July and will be completed in August and ultimately be placed in Carmel for thousands to see in the future.
The mosaic, which is described as a “butterfly mural” by artist Nancy Keating, will be put together piece-by-piece under the direction of Keating – but with your hands as the community comes together to create an authentic art project once again in the District.

The community mosaic project began in July and will complete this month. Come to the public plaza at Main Street and the Monon Greenway to participate. (Photo provided)
Meet Me on Main is the City of Carmel’s monthly “second Saturday” event along Main Street and Range Line Road to highlight local galleries, restaurants and design-related businesses in the Arts & Design District. Art galleries and businesses will feature special events to help you experience the wonderful art-related and design-related features in the District. Live music will be playing in the streets, and the traditional prize giveaways are returning that have been on hiatus since the global pandemic.
In addition to the community mosaic project, there will be an opportunity to register to win one of three $100 gift cards by visiting participating merchants and entering you name in a special drawing. Winners will be selected the following week. The gift cards will be from select Arts District businesses. Be sure to visit as many galleries and shops as possible to increase your chance to win.
Below are some of the special attractions featured this Saturday:
All Things Carmel
This local gift shop and tourism information spot will be promoting the summer wines from the city’s local wineries – Sugar Creek and Peace Water. Stop by for a sample while shopping for unique, Carmel-related gifts. (All Things Carmel, 110 W. Main St., #104)
Art on Main
Art on Main Gallery & Gifts is featuring a final exhibit of Marie Reamer’s photography. After 11 years of exhibiting her photography in the District, Marie Reamer is retiring. Her final exhibit is titled “Travel the World thru my Photos: A Photo Estate Sale” and presents her photos from Barcelona; Paris and the south of France; London; Japan; New Zealand; and of course, Indiana and various other states. She will be at the gallery for Meet Me on Main. (Art On Main, 111 W. Main St., #140)
Art Studio of Carmel
Decorate your own ‘Hamsa hands’ which are common in Middle Eastern and Israeli culture. The hands have an eye on them that “protects” the wearer, a talismanic symbol that people believed to protect them from harm against the evil eye and brings them goodness, abundance, fertility, luck and good health. (The Art Studio, 30 N. Range Line Road)
Carmel Arts Council
This month’s Art in the Garden event will feature Walt Thacker, an oil painter who will demonstrate his talents. Also featured will be a children’s activity table, where kids will be given a similar rendition of what Walt is painting to do their own creation. (Carmel Arts Council, 40 W. Main St.)
CCC Gallery & Gifts
Enjoy the colors of summer with artist Kelly Jenkins who creates beautiful, vibrant, colorful jewelry in fused glass. Also, Linda Wesolowski paints in acrylic, oils and watercolor, creating gorgeous abstract and colorful detailed paintings. (CCA Gallery, 111 W. Main St., #135)
Indiana Artisan Gallery
This gallery will feature wood-turner Jim Dupler who will demonstrate his creative process on an antique, foot-pedaled lathe and the public will be able to try their hands (actually, their feet) at this unique process. In addition, they will have a “Fantastic Frittle” contest where guests can enter to win a gift collection of Frittle, an Indiana confection that is a cross between fudge and brittle, by guessing how many pieces are in a bowl that evening. (Indiana Artisan Gifts & Gallery, 22 N. Range Line Road)
Indiana Design Center
Join Holder Mattress and Rusted Window for refreshments, summer clearance items, and 20 percent off all dog-themed gifts. Bring the whole family. There will be a DIY succulent bar at Rusted Window and kids crafting with Holder Mattress where kids will be able to create their own pillowcase. (Indiana Design Center, 200 S. Range Line Road)
Rain Barrels
Check out the “Rain on Main” barrels displayed along Main Street now through Aug. 20. Barrel designs will also be judged opening weekend by an independent panel and the first, second and third place artists receive cash prizes. Vote for your favorite in the People’s Choice contest by liking your top barrel on the Rain on Main Facebook page by noon on Aug. 20.
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A map of the gallery locations and more information about Meet Me on Main activities can be found at
Public parking is available in the Carmel Lions Club lot (141 E. Main St.), Sophia Square parking garage (entrance off of 1st Ave. NW), Indiana Design Center parking garage (200 S. Range Line Road) or on-street. Click here to download the Arts & Design District parking map.
About the Carmel Arts & Design District
The Carmel Arts & Design District is the Midwest’s premier arts and design destination. Home to more than 200 businesses, including art galleries, restaurants, antique dealers, design showrooms, boutiques and creative service providers, the Carmel Arts & Design District promises to stimulate the senses. The Indiana Design Center is housed in the Carmel Arts & Design District. In addition, hundreds have taken advantage of the wide variety of housing opportunities and call the Carmel Arts & Design District home.