Ball State to start classes Aug. 24, drop fall break, go to online only after Thanksgiving


Ball State University has announced it will begin “face-to-face” instruction for the fall semester as planned on Aug. 24 with new health and safety measures to address the coronavirus pandemic.

But, fall break is canceled, classes will be held on Labor Day, and any instruction, exams or projects after Thanksgiving will be online only. The result will be 13 straight weeks of classroom instruction before the Thanksgiving break.

On-campus housing will be reorganized to have enough rooms to quarantine and isolate students who may test positive for COVID-19 or be exposed to it. Also, in residence halls, room assignments will be adjusted to reduce the number of students who use the same restroom and other common areas.

Ball State also will make COVID-19 testing readily available, support contact tracing, maintain ample supplies of personal protective equipment, and expand the availability of annual influenza vaccinations.

In addition, Ball State said in a news release, more online courses will be added.

The news release had no information about plans for sports.

The board of trustees approved the plan to reopen the campus. President Geoffrey S. Mearns said students wanted a return to “immersive learning projects” and campus experiences.