Bah! Humbug! Ditslear moving Santa’s House


On Friday, the City of Noblesville announced Santa’s House would be moved from the Courthouse Square to Federal Hill Commons.

Before the official announcement, word had leaked about the move and a few local officials expressed their displeasure.

Noblesville Councilman Brian Ayer was quoted, “It’s been a Noblesville tradition for many years and brings hundreds, if not thousands, to our historic downtown.”

According to an article published by the Noblesville Times, Council President Chris Jensen asked Mayor Ditslear to reconsider the move.

Jensen is also a candidate for mayor and made his political announcement standing on the stage of Federal Hill Commons, not the Courthouse Square. Why? My guess is for several of the same reasons Santa is moving.

The same article stated that Hamilton County Building and Grounds Supervisor Steve Wood was “torn up” over the move and quoted Wood saying, “This is out of hand.”

I like Steve. He is a great guy that runs a very tight ship for the county, but “torn up” and “out of hand?” Come on, Steve. Some thought you were crazy with the idea of powering county buildings with solar, a project that has now gained national attention.

One consideration Ditslear made in considering the move was an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) complaint made to the city.

The complaint had nothing to do with the Courthouse Square. It brought to the attention of Noblesville officials that a young child in a wheelchair wasn’t able to access the inside of Santa’s House. The move and additional upgrades will solve the ADA problem.

Noblesville also cited a safety concern as a consideration.

Santa’s House has sat on the south side of the courthouse, just steps from Conner Street (State Road 32) for nearly 55 years, probably the best location back then when the volume of cars and semi-trucks was considerably less than today.

Councilman Ayer, is that where you want “hundreds, if not thousands” of people lining the sidewalk? Stop and think: If you have ever stood in line to see Santa, you’ve seen a young child break the grasp of a mother’s hand.

While on the topic of safety, I would guess that Police Chief Kevin Jowitt would agree it is much easier to manage the safety of a crowd at Federal Hill Commons than it would be on the Courthouse Square.

There is no doubt the jolly old feller packs the courthouse lawn with kids and their parents, but has anyone given consideration to restroom facilities? I just wonder how many times a parent has had to break line and run around the courthouse square searching for a restroom for little Johnny. The move to Federal Hill solves the restroom problem.

For longer than Santa has established residence in downtown Noblesville, people have complained about downtown parking. The park offers 150 parking spots on site with plenty of overflow parking nearby at Blue Sky Technology located just a block off the park.

It’s likely Santa’s House will be placed on the First Merchant’s Pavilion at Federal Hill, a location covered by a roof. I agree it isn’t much, but certainly offers more comfort from inclement weather than the downtown square.

Visitors to Santa can also expect holiday themed lighting and Christmas music at the pavilion.

To all the naysayers that think the Grinch – Mayor Ditslear – stole Christmas by moving Santa four blocks down the street, I say to you BAH! HUMBUG!

It isn’t about breaking tradition. It’s about establishing new traditions, adjusting to the growth of the community, honoring the past and providing a comfortable, safe Christmas experience.

Finally, I’ll offer a solution to Steve Wood who thinks it is “a shame” to move Santa off county property to the gem of Noblesville Parks. Steve, my friend, go to Godby Home Furniture, buy a recliner, dust off your old Santa suit and set up shop in the hallway of the historic courthouse.

2 Comments on "Bah! Humbug! Ditslear moving Santa’s House"

  1. Cindy Anderson | October 28, 2018 at 8:48 pm |

    I wonder how much the city paid you to write this. I guess I will be unsubscribing now. Aren’t you from Sheridan?

  2. FYI, Santa is the ONLY thing that is moving. They aren’t moving the Santa House

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