Articles by The Reporter

When was the first Indiana State Fair?

1888 — Mary F. Thomas died in Richmond. A medical doctor, she had helped nurse soldiers in the Civil War.  She was also a leader for women’s rights. In 1859,…

HSE board member objects to “Kite Runner” What at first appeared to be a routine discussion about procedures in approving curriculum in Hamilton Southeastern (HSE) Schools turned into a passionate speech by school board member Amanda…

Legacy Fund hires new development director

Brittany Rayburn to lead development program, transitioning from grants . . . Legacy Fund, the Central Indiana Community Foundation affiliate serving Hamilton County, announced Brittany Rayburn as its director of…

Fishers firehouse mold gets mitigated

Mitigation of the mold in the sleeping quarters of the firehouse is near completion. Saturday morning, firefighters and an engine will return to the station and will be capable of…