Random act of drive-thru Parrot Head kindness
Today, I turned 59. I don’t expect too much from 59 other than being subjected to a lengthier list of physical ailments. Fifty-eight proved to be a major pain in…
Read MoreToday, I turned 59. I don’t expect too much from 59 other than being subjected to a lengthier list of physical ailments. Fifty-eight proved to be a major pain in…
Read MoreIt was one of the most devastating incidents in the history of women serving in the military. I am a stranger to war, but four brave Americans related to me…
In the late 1980s, when I was a cub reporter fresh out of J-School in southern Indiana, a wave of Elvis Presley sightings was reported in the U.S., a disturbing…
I love late October, the scary time of the year, when a good horror movie casts the heaviest of shadows over the mind and spreads the iciest of chills within…
How I Broke This, Episode 4: Blow Phone & PARKR COLD OPEN V.O.: “You are receiving an automated voice call from an inmate at Buzzard Roost White Collar Penal Colony…
My creative touchstone and good friend Jen Chapin will be in Hamilton County this Friday to perform during the “Harry Chapin at 80” retrospective concert at the Palladium in Carmel….
Sometimes I must remind myself of the “why.” Delete that … not sometimes, many times. Still self-doubting after all these years. The writer’s plague. My own private dark ages. About…
When I was a kid, my family used to camp at Lincoln Boyhood State Park in southern Indiana. I looked forward to these excursions for one reason: Angie F, who…
“The fantastic trip” that was Jimmy Buffett For the first half of this month, I found myself immersed in all things Jimmy Buffett (JB). That tends to happen to fans…
Upon final reflection, Jimmy Buffett was my sun. For 45 years, his tropically themed music delivered to me a sunshine state of mind. My mental migration to Margaritaville is rooted…