Articles by Ray Adler

Boys are alive!

Grandpa Howard often told me stories about other boys growing up. He noted one small boy began hollering repeatedly without any apparent cause and the noise disturbed Grandpa. When asked…

Lessons in humility

Grandpa Howard was a humble preacher man, although he had great intellect. He also farmed some. He told me the story of a wheat field he had examined. He said…

Floating down the creek

It was my job as a young man to help rope and wrangle young calves. At one to two weeks old they were amazingly strong. Nub horns would be removed….

Thank you, Mr. Watson

Did you have a favorite teacher when you were in high school? Mine was Mr. Shoup. He taught government and often pointed with a stub index finger. When one of…

Grandpa Howard’s Door

Mom was the youngest of a family of nine, and I was the next-to-last grandchild. Mom told the following story: On a cold December day in 1899, a young man…

Action at auction

I love to go to auctions. Unfortunately, more things are done online these days. I miss the fellowship, a found treasure, and sometimes a chance to help others. As a…

The scoop on dirt

As a young boy, I loved to dig in the dirt. I wanted to see how deep I could dig, and I wanted to dig a foxhole for our ‘neighborhood’…