Articles by Ray Adler

Grandpa’s Bible

“The tramp was an ill-kept, teenage youth who came to our door and hesitatingly asked Mother for something to eat,” Grandpa Howard began. It was another one of his many…

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“Except . . .”

Grandpa Howard related this story of picking corn by hand. Before mechanical corn pickers were in use, corn was shucked by hand. Seventy-five or 80 bushels was considered a fair…

Third chance

Grandpa Howard told me of the anonymous phone call he received one day announcing a couple from a distance coming to be married at 10 a.m. the next day. Since…

Reverence & irreverence

Grandpa Howard told me the story that when, on one occasion when he went to the Otter-Creek church west of Brazil, Ind., an epidemic of measles prevented holding church services….

Uncle John

Grandpa Howard told me the story of “Uncle John.” Grandpa had accepted the pastorate of the country church located near the home of Uncle John. Grandpa learned that Uncle John…

Integrity & good character

Grandpa Howard told me that every human makes his own record in the arena of life. A name is illuminated by the light of the character that shines behind it….

Boys are alive!

Grandpa Howard often told me stories about other boys growing up. He noted one small boy began hollering repeatedly without any apparent cause and the noise disturbed Grandpa. When asked…

Lessons in humility

Grandpa Howard was a humble preacher man, although he had great intellect. He also farmed some. He told me the story of a wheat field he had examined. He said…