Articles by Ray Adler

Use the whole saw

By RAY ADLER Ask Adler As a young man growing up on a farm, my grandfather taught me how to use tools. He had been a contractor in Fort Wayne…

How to buy corn

By RAY ADLER Ask Adler My father taught me that there are several ways to buy and sell corn: (1) The arm’s length transaction, where each person negotiates from their…

So, you want to run for office?

By RAY ADLER Ask Adler So, you want to run for office? The Election Board at its last meeting had the difficult task of removing several people from the May…

Science & policy

By RAY ADLER Ask Adler During the last two years, issues surrounding COVID-19 policies and mandates have been unending. Should we mask? Should our children go to school? What about…

Learning to live by 10/10/80 rule

By RAY ADLER Ask Adler In previous columns we talked about goal planning, smarter goals, and life goals. Today we talk about an extremely important topic: money goals. When it…