National Debt
By RAY ADLER Ask Adler The National Debt is now more than $31 trillion. There’s approximately 260 million people over the age of 18 in the United States. This means…
Read MoreBy RAY ADLER Ask Adler The National Debt is now more than $31 trillion. There’s approximately 260 million people over the age of 18 in the United States. This means…
Read MoreBy RAY ADLER Ask Adler Dad always had a lot of sayings that were shorthand lessons that quickly explained what to do. I added some that other family members use….
By RAY ADLER Ask Adler Dad always had a lot of sayings that were shorthand lessons that quickly explained what to do. I added some that other family members use….
By RAY ADLER Ask Adler Life has changed. I have lived in two cultures: rural and urban. I have lived in Indianapolis, but I grew up in very rural Indiana….
And other difficult issues . . . By RAY ADLER Ask Adler Who gets the dog in the divorce? It has been reported that almost 80 million U.S. households, or…
By RAY ADLER Ask Adler Lease is a confusing contranym. It’s a word that can have opposite meanings. When one person leases an apartment, he is the landlord while another…
By RAY ADLER Ask Adler Winston Churchill said, “We are masters of the unsaid words, but slaves of those we let slip out.” He had numerous other sayings: If you’re…
By RAY ALDER Ask Adler The Indiana Supreme Court was established by the Constitution of the State of Indiana by Convention at Corydon on June 29, 1816. The first session…
By RAY ADLER Ask Adler My Great-Grandfather Baltzell was a strong influence on my life, even though I only knew him a short time when I was very young. He…
By RAY ADLER Ask Adler What is the little structure on the east side of the courthouse square? It is a bell from the Hamilton County Old Folks Home. The…