Progress at the Statehouse
There is good and not-so-good news in this legislative session. There are several bills headed for the governor’s signature. With a scheduled adjournment of March 14, 2024, there is little…
Read MoreThere is good and not-so-good news in this legislative session. There are several bills headed for the governor’s signature. With a scheduled adjournment of March 14, 2024, there is little…
Read MoreIn my November column, I wrote about the Noblesville High School academic addition. As readers may remember, that project was approved by the board and ground has already broken on…
This year the legislative session is scheduled to end on March 14. Approximately 250 Senate bills and 425 House bills are proposed for this session. Undoubtedly, most of these bills…
During the October Noblesville Schools Board of Trustees meeting, the board approved the motion to ratify the contract agreement between the Teachers Forum and Noblesville Schools. Superintendent Dr. Hile gave…
Anyone visiting the Hamilton East Public Libraries, whether in Noblesville or Fishers, can see that the revamping of the buildings is near completion and the changes are dramatic. While the…
My relationship with the Constitution goes way back – from early childhood, actually. That is because my family emigrated from Cuba after Fidel Castro took power. Like so many millions…
The August Noblesville School Board meeting was one for the record books. Not since the meeting in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic have there been so many people lined…
In the July Noblesville School Board meeting, there were several policies presented for a second reading and a vote. Notably absent from the list is a policy that had been…
In my May column, I wrote about Panorama surveys and why several of the school districts in Hamilton County are getting rid of them. The 2023 Indiana General Assembly passed…
There has been much discussion about the use of third-party surveys to gauge our children’s success in schools. One such survey is Panorama Education which has/had been used in many…