Articles by Megan Rathz

Family fun on a budget

If there is one thing that I have learned since becoming a mom, it is that kids like to have a plan and know what the plan is going to…

My dragonfly baby

I remember the day vividly in July of 2020 when I took a pregnancy test. I had a feeling that I might be expecting and decided that maybe I should…

Mary Leigh’s garden

Do you ever see a house with such potential, but are distracted with the ugly bushes out front? I never cease to be amazed when I get out and drive…

Enjoying our leisurely summer

I have never been the mom who wants to sign my kids up for constant summer activities. I look at summer as a chance to regroup and revitalize from the…

A day of beauty

Inspiration comes from all different places and is unique to everyone. I am so inspired by nature and flowers in particular. I love so many different flowers, but none quite…

I never saw myself as a boy mom

I never saw myself as a boy mom. I always imagined having a little girl. I would picture myself picking out dresses for her, braiding her hair, and enjoying all-things-princess…

Noticing the remarkable

I have always enjoyed the change of seasons. There is something about this time of year that you can physically see the demeanor of people change. I feel more energized…

The journey of motherhood

The relationship between sisters is truly a dynamic one. There’s a quote by Marion C. Garretty that I’ve always loved because I feel it so perfectly captures the relationship of…

Dancing with fairies

I have always been drawn to fairy gardens, but never had one until this year. My daughter, Mary, is at the perfect age where her imagination is running wild and…