Articles by Megan Rathz

BJ’s vs. Costco

Is it just me or does it seem like there is an unusual allegiance and pride that is invoked in folks when it comes to their choice in wholesale club?…

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Poof’s lilies

There was a day about 10 years ago that my husband and I were driving on Allisonville Road and saw a wheelbarrow filled with orange ditch lilies with a sign…

Pressing flowers

Have you ever received a gift and been so enamored with it that you wonder how you’ve gone your entire life without it? For me, it happened on my birthday…

Bittersweet joy

If you’ve ever lost someone, you know that certain days, songs, anniversaries, stories, holidays, and milestones can evoke emotion from the deepest part of your core. Out of nowhere, something…

Growing butterflies

I have always loved butterflies. The idea of metamorphosis and seeing something turn into a creature of beauty has always intrigued me. A teacher who retired last year at my…

The meeting

During my last column, I shared about the call that I received from my sister about the birth of a baby boy that we all prayed would be her son….

The call

We finally got the call that my family has been waiting and praying for. It was a Saturday night in January. My husband and I had just finished dinner and…

Rebirth of spring

There is something about spring that renews my hope. It reminds me that God knows exactly what He is doing. I love the first bits of green that begin popping…

Things I love, part 2

I am fortunate enough to have so much in my life that I am grateful that I simply could not consolidate it to one column. I wrote a couple of…