Articles by Janet Hart Leonard

Not mine to fix

My name is Janet, and I am a bona fide, certifiable “fixer.” If there were cards for “fixers,” mine would be Platinum. Bring me your problems, dilemmas, situations, and brokenness,…

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Love it or let it go?

This has been the summer of purging and cleaning out at the Little House on the Alley. It’s been brutal. My brain tells me to let go, but my heart…

When fear is real

False evidence appearing real. FEAR. My first recollection of being afraid of something was while riding my cherry red heavy metal tricycle. I was three years old. My mother would…

My sacred place

It’s not at an altar. It’s not even in a church. But the place is sacred. It is at my kitchen table. Just a few days ago, I sat there…

Homecoming then & now

By JANET HART LEONARD From the Hart We had joy. We had fun. We enjoyed so many seasons in the sun. In the fall of 1967, Noblesville Junior High School…

Catching fish … & words

What is said to a child will not only be heard with his ears but with his heart. The heart chamber is full of echoes from words spoken to a…

Don’t be ugly!

My cousin and I were about four or five years old. I thought it was my turn to write on her chalkboard. She would not give up her place in…

The valley of uncertainty

What if you never see a glimpse of hope or the possibility that your prayers will be answered? Will you still trust God? Do you lean on your own understanding…

Rejected … but I’m okay

Thank you so much for entering … I knew where this was going; they were not the words I wanted to read. I wanted a “Congratulations!” not a “Thank you.”…

A letter to my grandson

Dearest Jake, 07/31/2023. Today, you start the first day of your last year at Noblesville High School. I have a few things to share with you. Fifty years ago, in…