Articles by Janet Hart Leonard

Company is coming!

T-minus 8 days and counting. The Leonards are coming! The Leonards are coming! Yes, on Saturday the 27th at noon, the flight from Tampa arrives in Indy. On that flight…

Lessons in the drive thru

So it was this past Sunday when my granddaughter, Alecksa and I pulled into the drive thru at a fast food place to get my mom a Mexican Pizza (no…

About that giraffe . . .

The tee shirt reads, “I watched April during the entire month of March.” Who is April? And why is there a tee shirt about her? You see, in early March…

And on the Third Day…

And so it was on the third day, the Sunday after Jesus’ crucifixion, that the stone was found to be rolled away from the tomb. The veil at the temple…