Articles by Janet Hart Leonard

Faith greater than fear

From the Heart What if the worst that could happen … happens? Been there. Survived it. Anxiety. Worry. Fear. Anticipation. So many unknowns. Phil Heller, one of the pastors at…

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Math and Marriage

From the Heart I am a morning person … well, kind of. I like the morning to start slowly. I hear the alarm go off, most mornings, at 7:00. I…

Welcome Home, Grindstone!

From the Heart I live just four blocks from the corner of 10th and Logan streets. For the past few months I have watched, with great anticipation, the building on…

The Myth of Perpetual Summer

From the Heart Sweet tea, a gentle breeze blowing as I sit on our back porch and a novel that grips my heart. Summer has arrived on Twelfth Street. A…

A little spunk at 92

From the Heart A force to be reckoned with. It’s been said about me. It has been said about my mother. At 92, every day my mother never ceases to…

And so, the healing begins . . .

From the Heart “Never daunted, we cannot falter, in the battle, we’re tried and true.” Noblesville High School students and graduates know those words as part of the school song….

Look for the helpers

From the Heart My mind is still trying to process the events that took place Friday, in my town, where I have lived all of my life. Our community was…

Easy peasy summer grilling

From the Heart Summer has arrived. Yes, we seem to have skipped spring this year. Those who visit our home know that my happy place is in the kitchen, except…

A few thoughts from Audrey

From the Heart She put the thoughts into my head and the words into my mouth. Her name is Audrey. She is my mother. Funny how I have found myself…

When comedians were funny

From the Heart This column will, pretty much, tell you my age. I remember when comedians were funny. I write my opinions. Sometimes you may agree with me and sometimes…