Articles by Janet Hart Leonard

To meander & ponder . . .

Meander: to wander aimlessly, without an urgent destination. Ponder: to think quietly, deeply and soberly. I embrace both. This past week, I turned one year shy of being in my…

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The invisible cape

I see her wearing the cape. It’s not a cape she pulls out of her closet. It is invisible. She wears it every day, 24/7. Only those who have worn…

Peek-a-boo joy

What brings you joy? The older I get, the less it takes to bring me joy, or maybe it’s that I appreciate finding joy in the small things. Either way,…

Lawn & garden wisdom

As Chuck walks in the back door, he asks, “Honey, have you noticed the grass the “unnamed” internet company planted in our front yard? He notices my scowl. “You mean…

When love looks different

Oh, Mama, that child still loves you. They just love you differently and from a distance. Sometimes, words are seen by your eyes but felt in your heart. I hope…

Finding the words

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words. I think it would be worth more if it included words written by your daughter. For me, this picture is…

Slow down, Janet

A funny thing happened on the way to get my haircut: I met the nicest police officer. Four blocks from home, I saw the flashing red lights and, thinking he…

I’m so over it!

“Janet Kay, don’t let the words or actions of others take away your kindness.” Mom’s voice isn’t around, yet I still hear her wisdom. I’ve thought a lot about what…

Overthinking & overpacking

I never thought I was an anxious person until I realized how much anxiety I carried with me. Maybe you can relate. My travel delays to and from Tampa don’t…

Another Janet adventure

A little rain must fall into our lives, and sometimes, a lot of frustration. Frustration arrived this week in waves. It was a good thing we were headed to the…