Articles by Janet Hart Leonard

Company’s coming!

Nothing motivates me like knowing that company is coming. I go into get ‘er done gear! The Leonard, Mathis, McLaughlin, and Altman families will be gathering at our little house…

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The opinion bandwagon

Okay, get ready. One, two, three … jump! Jump on the bandwagon. Phineas T. Barnum, the circus owner, coined the word “bandwagon” as the name for the wagon that carried…

I’ve got the joy!

Ask yourself if it sparks joy. According to Marie Kondo, that is rule No. 6 in the challenges of tidying up. Marie is a Japanese organizing consultant. For the past…

Technology purgatory

“Janet Kay, always be nice, and don’t ever be hateful to anyone trying to help you.” I heard my mother say that many times. I still hear her voice. Mom…

Like mother, like daughter

“Mom, I think my friends and I need a time-out.” Leah is 10 years old and yet she has the thoughts of an old soul. She amazes me. I often…

Words matter

March 2, 2002, God, I feel as if I have begun a new journey… I had no idea where those words I wrote all those many years ago would take…

Good people

While sitting at my kitchen table last Thursday morning, I saw a message light up on my phone. It was way too early for the message to be good news….

What about Easter?

But what if He did? You know, be crucified on the cross on Friday and raised from the grave on Sunday? I love Easter. It reminds me there will always…

When velvet meets burlap

Perhaps you have met a few people in your life who have just rubbed you the wrong way. Thus … when velvet meets burlap. Even after all these years of…