Articles by Janet Hart Leonard

A hint of Lent

Red skies at night … a writer’s delight. The vibrant red, orange, and pink colors shone in the western sky as God used His paintbrush to create such radiant beauty…

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For better, for worse . . .

Marriage vows talk about for better or for worse. This week has been the “worse” due to miscommunications and aggravations, but Chuck and I endured them together. Grab a cup…

A smile without guilt

When asked to do something, I ask myself, “Will this make me smile? During our recent conversation, Steve Wariner shared this insight with me as I interviewed him for the…

Welcome home, Steve Wariner

By JANET HART LEONARD For The Reporter There will always be a connection to an old friend you grew up with. Time does not erase memories. A simple “remember when?”…

Teach your children well

“Janet Kay, always remember to use your voice to stand up for others and that your kindness matters.” This past week, I could hear my dad saying those words loud…

Welcome to Downtown, Bar Ellis!

By JANET HART LEONARD For The Reporter There’s a new chef in town. Actually, there is a new restaurant in town. The chef has been delighting the taste buds of…

In the pursuit of happiness

When you pursue happiness, you will find contentment. Have you ever felt like the world is caught in a tsunami of negativity? This week, I felt like the current was…

Celebrating the pause

Pause: temporary inaction caused by uncertainty. Hello, Bell’s Palsy. When I chose PAUSE as my Word of the Year in November, I had no idea BP would be pausing my…

Finding grit & grace

Grit: The firmness of mind and unyielding courage in the face of hardship. This week, as I sat in the cozy corner of my living room, I did a bit…