Articles by Fred Swift

A building full of memories

The County Line Know anyone who needs an office building with a gymnasium or perhaps a location for a private school? Maybe the building at 1448 Conner St. in Noblesville…

Nonprofits in line for aid of $2 million

Ten nonprofit organizations in Hamilton County will share nearly two million dollars in public funds next year. The County Council has approved the grants and County Commissioners will approve Monday…

Quick look around our county

The County Line The financially healthy Hamilton County government will adopt its 2018 operating budget in public session at 8:30 a.m. Oct. 16 at the Government and Judicial Center. The…

AG Hill to speak at GOP dinner

The County Line Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill, outspoken advocate of curtailing illegal drug use, will be the featured speaker at the Hamilton County Republican Fall Dinner later this month….

Five quick hits from Fred Swift

The County Line The sale of properties on which property taxes are delinquent will be held at 10 a.m. on Oct. 12 in the Hamilton County Government and Judicial Center….