Articles by Amy Shankland

Teenagers still need you

Sandwiched The sandwich generation can be an ironic place sometimes. One the one hand, your elderly parent who raised you and seemed to know anything and everything suddenly needs YOU…

NPR no longer “old man radio”

Sandwiched Of all the columns I’ve written in this newspaper and others, I think this one will be one of my husband’s favorites. Because I will be admitting that he…

Pride in the South Side, Part Two

Sandwiched My little neighborhood just got busier, and we’re all excited! In December, I wrote about the pride I feel for the south side of Noblesville, namely the two blocks…

A different kind of courage

Sandwiched I think I’m riding on a high from watching Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse last Saturday with my son Jonathon. If you haven’t seen this movie yet, I highly recommend…

Doctor visits are never fun at any age

Sandwiched As I’ve mentioned before, there are many similarities between taking care of your elderly parent and raising your own children. One area that comes to mind lately is doctor…