Articles by Amy Shankland

Looking back at the Dad Phrases

Sandwiched Last week I shared my mother’s “Mom-isms” – sayings that were unique to her that make me laugh to this day. This week I wanted to write about some…

Car accident reveals blessings

Sandwiched It’s the phone call you never want to get as a parent. “Mom, I’ve been in a car accident.” Time stood still for me last Friday night after hearing…

She was there

Sandwiched I met her in August of 1988 in McNutt Quad at Indiana University Bloomington. At first, Stacey was just an acquaintance – a friend of a friend. My friend…

Keep those traditions going

Sandwiched It’s easy when you’re in the sandwich generation to get so caught up in the care of your elderly parent that you sometimes forget to have fun with them….